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Let them travel.....

So I hear it ALL the time, we are going to wait until the kids get older and then we will travel. WHY? What are you waiting for? We have been taking the boys on airplanes, boats and trains since they were babies and they are professional and well seasoned travelers. They know how to wait in security lines at the airport, they are the best at grabbing our luggage of the conveyer belt and they can find the free ice cream on a cruise ship with in the first 5 minutes.

II know traveling with babies/toddlers seems like a lot and it is...believe me. Diaper changes on a flight was my worst nightmare come to life. But the rewards out weigh all the hassle. What they learn and all the precious memories is something you never will regret.

A quick funny; is when our boys got their passports.

The desk clerk told Kyle to sign his James since

that is his given name and he looked up and

said, I don't know how to spell James. Total

parent fail. But it started our international flight off

with a great laugh and took all the nerves we had away,

So long story short, take them, book them trip, make the memory. You will never say I wish we didn't.


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